Wednesday 20 November 2013

Psychology, Science and Art: Part 2

Minds are constantly 'evolving'; in a flux as new knowledge is processed and chemical/ emotional reactions follow. I feel in a privileged position as I believe that I have always had a strong connection with my concious mind as it has developed through the years.

I'm intrigued by psychology & science and it's connection within the arts. I'm both a product of society and a rebel of my own terms, conciously (yet in many ways unconciously) seeking ways to project my perspective through the form of art.

I remember a moment in school at 13 years old with my friend during lunch. We were discussing reality of life and philosophy, whether there could be a possibility that we were living in a simulacrum (not that I knew what the word meant at the time!), more simply described as living in 'The Truman Show'.  From an early age we were were often discussing philosophy as a theory to challenge and debate our existence.

As radical as it may sound, I believe that individuals either have a real interest in the complexities of philosophy within world or don't, often dependent on education. All opinions that we have are mere theories and contradictions but contradictions are challenges, stimulating our minds, inspiring art. 

There is a fascinating interconnection between reality and fantasy. Reality is a mindset. We cannot single handedly modify the inevitable that we are born into a world pre determining the majority of who/ what we are but what we can educate and stimulate our mindset. 

Experiences are what makes us as individuals who we are; positive or negative, our mind is in control of determining fulfilment and healthy reality of self. There is too much pressure in this world of conventional, pop culture 'reality'- when it comes down to it, confidence and individuality is key.

Alice Luker